If need urgent help, phone Health and Social Care Connect on 0345 60 80 191 (open 8am to 8pm 7 days a week including bank holidays).
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Double check your email address. Has it been entered correctly?
Remember to check your Junk folder as the code may be in there.
Request a new code by selecting the please send me a new code link on the login page.
It may take a few minutes for you to receive your 8 digit code so please allow some time to pass before requesting a new one.
By requesting a new code the first code generated will no longer be valid so be sure to enter the correct 8 digits (as you may still receive the first verification code).
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To change your pasword or reset it:
Navigate to the login page by selecting My Forms
Click on the Forgotten Password? link and enter the email address you registered with the portal
We will send a verification code to your email address
Enter the 8 digit code and create a new password compliant with the password policy
Our password policy
Your password must:
be at least 12 characters long
contain at least one lower-case letter
contain only letters, numbers, and special characters
contain at least one upper-case letter
contain at least one number
contain at least one special character: !"#$%&'()*+,-.:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
be different to your current password
be different to any previous passwords
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For security purposes, we use a system to check if a user is human and not a system that tries to attack websites.
If you are struggling to get past the Human Test Page you may need to clear your cached history, to do so please follow the steps on this guide (opens in new tab)
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You can recover forms you have previously saved, either by:
opening the 'saved forms' email we sent you, and clicking the recover page link
logging in using the email address and password that you registered on the portal
Once you have logged in, a list of all the forms you have saved in the last 30 days will be displayed alongside all your submitted forms.
Please note: After 30 days any saved forms will be deleted and all data will be lost.
If you wish to print or save your form as a large print document you can using the AAA toggle (located in the top right hand corner of the screen) to change the font size before you select print or create a PDF.
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If you have successfully submitted a form you should have received a 'Confirmation of submission' email.
When a form is received, it is passed to the relevant team to process. Once the team has reviewed it you will receive an 'Update on your online contact' email.
To view any new updates:
Click on the link in the email.
Log into the portal using your registered email and password.
Your submitted form/s should be displayed, alongside a message about its progress.
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We strive to make our websites accessible to everyone.
If you are having difficulty using the Adults Portal you can do the following:
Adjust the font size using the AAA option (located in the top right-hand corner of the screen) to make the content more legible
You can zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen. Click Ctrl + to zoom in and Ctrl - to zoom out.
Navigate through the Adults Portal using the tab key.
Universal screen readers can be used to read out the content on a page.
To update your account details log into the portal and select Your Account Name and Update Account.
You can amend any of your personal details under the Change Profile section.
You will need to enter your account password to change any profile details. Ensure you click Finish to save the changes you have made.
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You can check whether there has been a response to your form by logging into your portal account.
Go to My Forms and select View my submitted forms .
Here you will find all the forms you have recently submitted. If the council has responded to your form it will be displayed here.
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Sometimes refreshing your internet connection can solve any issues you are experiencing with the Portal. Press Ctrl/Cmd + R keys to refresh your internet connection.
If refreshing the page does not work, try resetting your router by switching it off and back on at the wall plug.
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Oops! We could be experiencing some technical difficulties. If you are struggling to complete a form clearing your cached history or restarting your router may help to resolve this.